cloud-eng .nl


GitHub Container Registry. Keeping traffic below the spending limit.

GitHub Container Registry is a great service. It’s free for public repositories and it’s integrated with GitHub Actions. Unfortunately, it’s not free for private packages. The free tier allows 1 GB of data transfer per month. What happens when you reach the limit depends on your payment profile. You will either be prevented from downloading your images or you’ll be charged for the consumed traffic.

Fix console logs for Azure Functions running in a Docker container

Local development of C# Azure Functions on macOS is still a bit painful. Even the simple-ish logging might cause issues. Let’s assume that we have Azure Functions Core Tools installed and we have a basic function app with one TimerTrigger function created.

Provision your Azure environment with Terraform and Octopus Deploy

My current project has reached the point where we have to manage our infrastructure in a more organized way rather than ad-hoc manual configurations.